Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Beginning...

Hello to all,
My name is Ashley. I am a young wife and mother of two young children. From a very young age, I enjoyed making money. I would beg neighbors to let me work for them...I washed cars, cut grass, walked dogs, babysat, cleaned houses. I went to college and earned a teaching degree. When I became pregnant with my daughter I knew I needed to be home for her. As a mother, I am torn between staying home with my kids while still making money for my household. I want to pay off debt and think of creative ways to make money while staying home with my children. Money is out there to be made! I know it! I want to stop being a slave to credit card companies live a "full" life. Please join me on my journey to financial freedom (even if only small victories)! I will report savings, freebies, good deals, money-making ideas, and advice on how to get what you want out of life (one of my nicknames is "wheeler-dealer"). Some of my "tips" may seem out there, but they do work. I am ready to make some great changes in my life!


  1. Good to see you started a blog! Can't wait to read more about you and your mission. :)

  2. Thank you! You are a fellow diaperswapper!! How exciting!
