Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Love selling things on Craiglist!

Today I made $50 selling on craigslist! I sold a sand box and a toy chest. Thanks to this sale, we will have enough to make our mortgage payment. Small victories feel Just looking around your house finding items you can part with to sell is a great way to make some extra cash. People don't actively use most of their belongings so why not sell them? Less Clutter + More Cash= Awesome!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Beginning...

Hello to all,
My name is Ashley. I am a young wife and mother of two young children. From a very young age, I enjoyed making money. I would beg neighbors to let me work for them...I washed cars, cut grass, walked dogs, babysat, cleaned houses. I went to college and earned a teaching degree. When I became pregnant with my daughter I knew I needed to be home for her. As a mother, I am torn between staying home with my kids while still making money for my household. I want to pay off debt and think of creative ways to make money while staying home with my children. Money is out there to be made! I know it! I want to stop being a slave to credit card companies live a "full" life. Please join me on my journey to financial freedom (even if only small victories)! I will report savings, freebies, good deals, money-making ideas, and advice on how to get what you want out of life (one of my nicknames is "wheeler-dealer"). Some of my "tips" may seem out there, but they do work. I am ready to make some great changes in my life!